FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

IPPI Card: France

Is the IPPI-card accepted in your country ?

Yes. The IPPI Card is accepted in France

What is the minimum legal coverage ?

Although there is no minimum insurance coverage requirement, third party liability insurance is mandatory in France.
FFVL offers to its members a 4,6 Million euros coverage for body injury and/or damage to third parties. Search, rescue and repatriation are included in the basic insurance.

What additional coverage does your country recommend (such as medical insurance, search and rescue etc...) ?

For a competition pilot it is mandatory to have a medical personal insurance in addition to third party insurance. FFVL offers additional insurances for competition pilots, tandem pilots and passengers, covering incapacity and death.

Is your NAC prepared to provide a special insurance coverage for guest pilots who do not comply with your national law ?

Yes. Through its membership FFVL offers the same coverage to all pilots from any country.